First off, I must apologize.
Secondly, can you believe it’s 2017? Twenty… seventeen… those combination of numbers don’t even look right next to each other. My 2016 countdown seemed like last month. Wow does time fly… Happy New Years folks!
Looking back on my blog, I’ve definitely neglected it and have been completely caught up in so many life events. The past 2016 wedding season was the first one I’ve had operating from downtown Toronto, now that I’ve moved out of Mississauga and have settled in the city. Which is absolutely fantastic by the way. I’ve been meaning this blog this wedding for an absolute good while now and with the winter downtime in the wedding world, it finally seems like a good time.
Looking back through the photos while prepping this post really does remind me how much a great day this was. Cliché I know, apologies again. But it definitely did have all the right ingredients (emotions, simplicity, and absolutely gorgeous aesthetics and details), and despite a morning full of pouring rain followed by an afternoon of raging humidity, everything worked out perfectly.
It was my first time photographing at the lovely Hacienda Sarria wedding venue in Kitchener, Ontario, and I really hope it’s not my last. Thank you to Jackie & Ryan once more for having me onboard, it really was such a pleasure to have been apart of all the moments of this day. Thank you to the staff at the Hacienda for being impeccable. And a big big thank you to my good friend, the extremely talented photographer Titus Chan of Norr Studio for helping me capture this day.
Hope you guys enjoy!